Rubberband Girl [Accessed Friday 6th February 2015]


See those trees
Bend in the wind
I feel they’ve got a lot more sense than me
You see I try to resist

A rubberband bouncing back to life
A rubberband bend the beat
If I could learn to give like a rubberband

I’d be back on my feet
A rubberband hold me trousers up
A rubberband ponytails
If I could learn to twang like a rubberband

I’d be a rubberband girl
A rubberband girl me
A rubberband girl me
Oh I want to be a rubberband girl

When I slip out
Of my catapult
I gotta land with my feet on the ground
And let my body catch up

A rubberband bouncing back to life
A rubberband bend the beat
If I could learn to give like a rubberband

I’d be back on my feet
A rubberband hold me trousers up
A rubberband ponytails
If I could learn to twang like a rubberband

I’d be a rubberband girl
A rubberband girl me
A rubberband girl me
Oh I want to be a rubberband girl

Give like a rubberband
Twang like a rubberband
Snap like a rubberband
One rubberband won’t keep you up
Two rubberbands won’t keep you up
Three rubberbands won’t keep you up

Here I go

One rubberband won’t keep you up
Two rubberbands won’t keep you up
Three rubberbands won’t keep you up

My Inspiration.

When Charlie in Roald Dahl’s most famous novel discovered he had the golden ticket to go to the chocolate factory, I went through the exact same emotions as that fictitious young boy when I discovered I had beaten millions of fans and got my hands on 2 tickets to see my hero live on stage. The most incredible Kate Bush. Her performance was simply out of this world and I know it was and I believe always will be the best night of my life. I sobbed with happiness the entire night.

There are so many reasons why she is my hero, I could fill this entire blog with words of her beauty, wisdom and music, but I feel I connect with her because if anything Kate Bush is the most fantastic performer. Her music is not just singing a song but the incorporation of dance, mime and high theatricality. She morphs into the characters in her songs.

I can’t say I want to stand on stage for my solo performance and lecture the audience about my love of Miss Bush, nor do I want to attempt to impersonate her like some terrible Stars in their Eyes wannabe, but I know without a doubt whatever work I produce, will 100% be inspired by Kate.