Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

“Oh! you said you cared nothing for my sufferings! And I pray one prayer – I repeat it till my tongue stiffens – Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you – haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always – take any form – drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!” (16.25)

– Heathcliff wishes he had murdered Catherine so that she may haunt him.


“Is it not sufficient for your infernal selfishness, that while you are at peace I shall writhe in the torments of hell?” (15.28)

– Heathcliff wants Catherine to suffer, to prove her love for him.


“And I like her too ill to attempt it,” said he, “except in a very ghoulish fashion. You’d hear of odd things if I lived alone with that mawkish, waxen face: the most ordinary would be painting on its white the colours of the rainbow, and turning the blue eyes black, every day or two: they detestably resemble Linton’s.” (10.121)

– Heathcliff fantasises about physically hurting his wife. He seems to talk of abuse quite poetically. He sees beauty in revenge.


“The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don’t turn against him; they crush those beneath them.” (11.51)

– Heathcliff acknowledges a pecking order in society, you may pick on those beneath you.

Sound waves

So I’ve been exploring more of my ideas and I really like the idea of seeing sound in contrast to hearing it. There is something quite ambiguous about a sound wave without hearing anything. Silence with a message. This is how I kind of see with topics such as domestic abuse and rape. The fact your are suppressed and silent on the outside but inside you could be screaming. I have been playing with the idea of being able to see breath, and in this case juxtaposing the breath of perpetrator and a victim. How would that look? Would we be able to figure out the narrative behind it? I want to use sound waves in my performance, almost as various pieces of a jigsaw that once are fitted together tell a rather dark story.


I think its kind of beautiful actually…